In the past 24 hours, the world of European football has rightly condemned the reckless plans of a few wealthy clubs to create their own closed franchise league. Fans of these clubs are just as repelled as the rest of us, with many issuing strongly worded statements of opposition. Football Supporters Europe (FSE) stands in solidarity with them. (more…)
Along with the overwhelming majority of fans, Football Supporters Europe (FSE) is wholly opposed to plans to create a breakaway super league. (more…)
The Fan.Tatsic Females exhibition profiles more than 90 female fans from 21 countries and has been on the road for over 3 years. Unfortunately, the coronavirus pandemic has put a halt to its travels, but it will resume normal service as soon as circumstances permit. (more…)
On Tuesday, 23rd March, FSE hosted an event on ‘How football fans are tackling climate change: grassroots activities from across Europe’. (more…)
Football Supporters Europe (FSE) believes that proposals to reform UEFA club competitions by expanding the UEFA Champions League are deeply flawed. They will not solve any of the problems that fans care about—on the contrary, they have the potential to make them much worse. (more…)