In November the networking conference ADDRESSING HOMOPHOBIA AT MEGASPORT EVENTS takes place in the framework of the Queering Football project. In anticipation of the upcoming FIFA World Cup 2018 in Russia, SPOLINT in association with VIDC will host a 2-day conference in Ljubljana, Slovenia. (more…)
From 6 to 9 July 2017, more than 300 fans from all over Europe and beyond met in Gent and Lokeren (Belgium) for the European Football Fans Congress 2017 of Football Supporters Europe (FSE). They were joined by representatives of the football governing bodies (UEFA, Swedish Football League, Belgian FA, etc.), as well as other stakeholders of European Football. In addition to the traditionnal networ
The FSE Committee and staff gathered in Italy last weekend, for their first meeting of the 2017-2019 cycle. The new FSE Committee, elected at the #EFFC2017 in Gent and Lokeren (Belgium), finalised the Congress report which will be published soon. (more…)
Since the European Football Fans Congress 2015 (Belfast) and the decision from the FSE membership to hold the #EFFC and FSE’s general meeting every 2 years, members of Football Supporters Europe are gathering every other year for an event organised by the membership and supported by FSE. The first Summer Network Meeting took place in July 2016 in Izmir (Turkey) and was hosted by our friends
Football Supporters Europe (FSE) monitors a worrying trend prohibiting more and more fans from following their teams abroad during European club competitions. Much to FSE´s disappointment, stadium closures and away travel bans are still widely used forms of collective punishment in European football, whether at UEFA or domestic level. (more…)
Football Supporters Europe (FSE) launched their survey on away fans’ experiences in the European club competitions. As agreed during the last European Football Fans Congress (#EFFC2017) in Belgium, the survey on fan issues at Champions League and Europa League matches marks the first step in FSE’s efforts to reach minimum standards for European football supporters following their teams