Officials of the club and fan groups are working with a pyro company in order to produce flares with reduced heat and improved safety. First fan groups from across Europe show interest in their use. (more…)
The partners of the European “Queering Football” project will be giving out grants up to 500 Euros to grassroots/fan driven projects against homophobia in football taking place in February 2017. (more…)
Preparations for the European Football Fans' Congress (#EFFC2017) have been taken to the next stage. Staff from the Coordinating Office of Football Supporters Europe (FSE) travelled to Belgium at the end of November in order to check venues and accommodation. (more…)
The FSE Committee and staff of the FSE Coordinating Office met in Hamburg (Germany) for their annual gathering at the first weekend of November 2016. As Daniela Wurbs is leaving the organization and Ronan Evain is taking over as our new CEO, the meeting had a singular importance since new strategies for the future of the organisation were discussed. (more…)
As you might remember, we were looking for a new CEO for Football Supporters Europe earlier in the summer. Out of several interesting applications the FSE Committee chose Ronan Evain to follow Daniela Wurbs from the beginning of November. Ronan, who has his roots in the active supporters’ movement in France, has worked as an academic and an electoral expert. In 2015 he joined FSE as our proj
Football fans in Norway have taken another major step towards illustrating their commitment to minimising risks and supporting the responsible use related to pyrotechnics in football: they teamed up with producers to develop safety certificates in line with EU standards that would allow the use of specific pyrotechnical devices inside football grounds. The move followed a development of increasing