Our Constitution & Governance

You can find both the German and English versions of the FSE Consitution here

The German version (pp. 2-13) of the Constitution, registered at Vereinsregister (association register) of the Amtsgericht Hamburg (Hamburg court), is legally binding. The English version (pp.14-24) is a translation produced by the FSE Office.

The most recent amendments to the constitution were approved by members at a General Meeting of Football Supporters Europe on July 23rd, 2022 and subsequently registered at the Amtsgericht Hamburg (Hamburg court).


FSE is a members association incorporated according to German law. This means that FSE is owned by its members and democratically structured.

There are three categories of FSE membership:

  • Individual
  • Local Groups
  • National Supporters Organisations

Like many other organisations in European football, FSE receives core funding from UEFA.


Biennial General Meeting (BGM)

The FSE BGM is the organisation’s highest body. It takes place every two years, providing members with an opportunity to:

  • Examine and approve reports submitted by the FSE Board and Office.
  • Ratify the actions of the Board and On-Topic Divisions.
  • Elect members to the Board via simple majority.
  • Elect one (minimum) or two (maximum) internal auditors by simple majority.
  • Vote on motions and resolutions.
  • Vote on proposed changes to the FSE Constitution.

Individual members get 1 vote each at the BGM. Local Groups get 3 votes each. National Supporters Organisations get 10 votes each. All members over the age of 18 can stand for election to the FSE Board pursuant to the election policy laid out in the FSE Constitution.

Emergency General Meetings (EGM) can be called either by the FSE Board or by a motion supported by a quarter of the total number of votes of the FSE membership.

FSE Board

The FSE Board comprises elected representatives, the appointed directors of the two On-Topic Divisions (Fans’ Embassies and Anti-Discrimination), and the Executive Director.

Board members are elected by simple majority for two-year terms. No more than one-third of the elected Board members can represent the same country.

The FSE Board is responsible for:

  • FSE’s overall strategy and priorities.
  • Representing FSE at events and meetings.
  • Approving/rejecting membership applications.
  • Developing an annual budget plan.
  • Implementing decisions made at the BGM.
  • Directing the work of the FSE Office.
  • Appointing/dismissing the Executive Director and employees of the FSE Office.
  • Appointing/dismissing the directors of the On-Top Divisions.
  • Preparing the annual financial statement and activity reports to present to the BGM.

On-Topic Divisions

On-Topic Divisions are semi-autonomous networks that exist to provide and deliver specific expertise and services. FSE currently has four On-Topic Divisions, whose directors sit on the FSE Board:

The FSE Board requires a two-thirds majority to create a new On-Topic Division.

Internal Auditors

Members elect one (minimum) or two (maximum) internal auditors at the BGM by simple majority for two-year terms. Auditors must be FSE members, and at least one should be familiar with German finance and tax legislation.

The internal auditors are responsible for:

  • Auditing FSE’s books and final accounts, including revenues, expenses, and cash balance.
  • Submitting an audit report to the BGM.

FSE Office

The FSE Office is responsible for the organisation’s day-to-day operations:

  • Accountancy and general administration.
  • Legal issues and transactions.
  • Providing advice and support to the FSE Board, On-Topic Divisions, and membership.
  • Internal communications.
  • External communications.
  • Representing FSE at meetings and events.

Employees of the FSE Office are appointed by the Board.

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Football Supporters Europe eV

c/o Jugend und Sport e.V.,
Bernstorffstraße 172,
22767 Hamburg



Email: info@fanseurope.org

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