Join Us

Football Supporters Europe is the representative body for football supporters across Europe, and advocates that fans’ voices are heard and included at every level at the game. Every new Individual or group that joins FSE grows our organisation further and, in return, have the opportunity to engage, develop, and influence the European fans movement. 

Membership of FSE is currently free and open to individual supporters, local fan groups that have organised regionally, and national supporters organisations that work across their own country.

To sign up, you need to provide information about you or, if relevant, your group. Your application will then be reviewed by the FSE Office and, if recommended for membership, signed off by the FSE Board. This process can take up to one month to complete. 

During the application process, you will be asked to confirm your support of FSE’s Core Principles, support for which is a mandatory requirement of membership.   

Donations, which are ringfenced for membership care, are always welcome.  

FSE’s Membership Forms

If you are unsure which membership is most suitable for your group, contact us


Application for Individual membership. This membership is for individual supporters (individuals can sign up for this membership even if their supporters group is a member of FSE already or will apply to become a member).

Local Groups

Application for fan groups that operate locally or regionally. This membership is for supporter groups of a specific football club.  

National Supporters Organisations

Application for fan groups that operate at a national or international level. This is for supporter organisations that represent fans from numerous football clubs across a country, or for supporter organisations of a specific country’s national team.  

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Football Supporters Europe eV

c/o Jugend und Sport e.V.,
Bernstorffstraße 172,
22767 Hamburg




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