Football Supporters Europe (FSE) invites member organisations to apply to host the European Football Fans Congress (EFFC) in 2023. 

The 2022 EFFC hosted at the Riederwaldstadion, home to Eintracht Frankfurt’s youth teams, was the first in-person meeting since 2019, with representatives from national supporters’ organisations, fans’ embassies, local supporters’ groups, individual fans, and other football stakeholders from across Europe attending.  

The EFFC takes place every second year and is the biggest gathering of football fans of its kind, being the only event where supporters can regularly exchange views with decision-makers and stakeholders in football. It also features panels, workshops, and network meetings to discuss topics that are important to fans across Europe to have a say on the agenda of football. 

Hosting the EFFC allows members to showcase their own activities and supporter culture by being at the heart of FSE’s pinnacle calendar event. We will provide support and guidance to the successful host, who will work side by side with FSE’s organising committee in the months leading up to the Congress itself. 

The Covid-19 pandemic forced EFFC 2021 to move to 2022, so to return to the original pattern of taking place every other year on uneven years, the next edition will be in 2023. It will be scheduled for early summer to avoid clashing with the Fifa Women’s World Cup 2023 (which takes place 20th July – 20th August), and the qualifying rounds of Uefa’s club competitions. 

Interest can be registered via email to info[at] before 15th December 2022 with the header “FSE EFFC 2023 APPLICATION”.  

Members are invited to present a brief draft concept for the event and outline the following information: 

  • List of the hosting organisation(s) and any supporting local/national partners 
  • Preferred dates 
  • Access/transport to and around the host city 
  • Potential venue 
  • Accommodation availability 
  • Potential number of volunteers 
  • Draft social programme 
  • Why you believe your organisation and city would be an ideal host of EFFC23 

FSE plans to evaluate, select, and announce our EFFC23 host by the end of the year, and applicants will receive further information on the bidding process, the budget, and the support provided by FSE once their initial application is received. Any questions in the meantime can be sent to: info[at] 

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