#ReclaimTheGame is a pan-European campaign that includes 11 demands, covering important subjects such as ticket prices, safe standing, UEFA revenue distribution, and fan involvement in discussions on the future of football.
After consulting with members, we’re confident that these demands are widely applicable, appealing to the interests of fans in different countries, from the Champions League to the grassroots game.
#ReclaimTheGame aims to complement, rather than supersede, various domestic initiatives, with each demand able to fit into diverse local contexts.
Why now?
The past few weeks have provided an unparalleled opportunity for European fans’ groups to push for meaningful changes in the way football is governed at every level. In addition, last month’s FSE Fans’ Forum showed that there is a clear desire for collective action on issues that impact fans of clubs across the continent and football pyramid.
How can you help?
The #ReclaimTheGame manifesto is available in 8 languages (English, German, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, Turkish, and Russian). It’s hosted on a standalone website (reclaimthegame.eu) and can be downloaded in several colour combinations.
We encourage you to add your own logos to the manifesto template and share it on your websites and social media channels using the hashtag #ReclaimTheGame. You could also use #ReclaimTheGame on banners or other choreo materials.
There will be no list of signatories, but feel free to send us links to your posts/actions via info[at]fanseurope.org so we can collate them.
What will happen to the website in the long-term?
We hope to continually add more content and use it as a platform for related campaigns and initiatives. We’ll keep everybody posted about further developments.