A network meeting of the FSE Anti-Discrimination network (ADD) will take place on 4 & 5 JUNE 2016 in Paris / France, organised jointly with our colleagues from the Queering Football initiative. On 4 JUNE 2016 we want to bring together fans and initiatives, involved in refugee solidarity work in and around football. On 5 JUNE 2016 there will be the next meeting of the anti-discrimination divisi
40 volunteers and Fans’ Embassies staff met in Paris from 27 to 29 May in order to get the latest information on their job during the tournament and to train their skills. The last event for RESPECT FAN CULTURE - Fans’ Embassies at EURO 2016 and their numerous volunteers ahead of the tournament took place in Paris/France where Football Supporters Europe (FSE) and Concordia welcomed mor